The DotSafari event was a great success for Gear Community, as they participated in various activities to showcase their innovative technology. Pavel Salas, the Gear Foundation Chief Ecosystem Officer, represented Gear Protocol by delivering an insightful presentation on "Building smarter solutions with Vara". This presentation shed light on the potential of Vara, and how it can be used to build more efficient and effective smart contracts. Following Pavel's presentation, CTO Peter Volynsky led a workshop on "Tamagochi Battle".In addition to the presentation and workshop, Gear Community participated in the bootcamp and hosted a series of workshops led by Luisa Medova. These workshops provided an in-depth look at the inner workings of Gear Protocol's technology, and offered practical guidance on how to use it to build powerful solutions. The event was a great opportunity for attendees to learn more about Gear Protocol's cutting-edge technology, as well as the Vara Network and their approach to building smarter solutions with smart contracts. Gear Community hopes that attendees took advantage of this opportunity, and they look forward to seeing everyone at future events.
DOTSafari Hackathon
29th of March - 2nd of April
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